Friday 6 July 2012

Fifty Filthy Pinkie Pies

So I am thinking that they should name Saturdays at my affiliate 'The WTF Show'....

Today was 'filthy fifty'... it was akin to having the skin peeled off your face and gently placed back there with love and kindness but with a hint of smirky cruelty.  I am not going to bother listing the details - have a look here. I did NOT do it Rx today - I would have faceplanted in spectacular fashion.

So I was going to report about how Whole30 is going - MWAH! I just saw this picture of Donatella Versace and it FRIGHTENED me!

Anyway.... carry on....

Yes - so I am on Day 6 of Whole30 and I have purposefully not written about the day-to-day feelings and bla bla because I knew it was going to get a little funky. And sure enough it did.

In summary: Yes you can do this. No it's not impossible - nothing is impossible if you have cocaine and willpower (cocaine is paleo). But FARKING HELL we have set ourselves up to be an unhealthy species people!!

I've been reading It Starts With Food and I am now fairly certain that grains, dairy and seed oils are messing up our bodies - I know they certainly have messed me up for years - but I just can't see an exit from this insanity on a global/big picture scale?

I went to my favourite BBQ place for a quick meal on Thursday - I was thinking BBQ wings with a salad, hold the feta.  WELL there is sugar in almost EVERYTHING they serve (sauces, rubs, fries, you name it!).  The salad dressings are made from seed (sunflower) oil.... So I settled on wings without sauce.  A night of stomach cramping had me baffled until I realised that they had also coated the wings in flour...

Why do we need to coat chicken in flour?? Why do we consume so much sugar? How the hell do we get the rest of the world over the line on this??

I guess all you can do is lead by example.  I can tell you that on Day 4/5 I was mad as hell over this issue of not being able to escape crap food while socialising.  I also got particularly tired the last 24 hours but my energy levels have otherwise been generally stable.  My moods are more stable aside from this blog rant (hahaha), my appetite has decreased and switched towards more fresh vegetables, smaller portions and healthier choices on balance.  I don't miss flour. I don't miss sugar. I don't miss dairy.  I did have a dream that a violet crumble bar birthed itself from my belly but that's completely normal, m'kay??

My experiences seem to be on par with what others experience on Whole30 so I'm tracking okay from what I can tell.

Hasbro My Little Pony So Soft Crawling Pinkie Pie Pony
Meanwhile, Maddy now has an American accent because she got a My Little Pony called PINKIE PIE who says 'i lurve you mooommmmieeeee'.  I had something similar at her age. Poor kid - if she's following in my footsteps she has a lot of alcohol to consume between ages 14-24. What a burden.

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