Wednesday 18 March 2015

Don't fence me in

So this week I've been chatting to people about 'Paleo' and every time I do I cringe a tiny bit because I hate a label.

I like the idea of blending the best of many styles to find my own eating 'template' - one that suits my health goals, fits my budget and doesn't turn me into a social leper or obsessed monster.

With that in mind, I'm going to share my thoughts about Paleo- what I like, what I don't. But my opinion is just that: mine! Yours could be quite different!

Reasons I like Paleo: 
It makes sense to me to avoid overly processed foods and environmental toxins,
I like to eat meat, I think it's essential to health,
Fat makes things taste good,
Dairy makes me itchy and nauseous; and
Many grain-based foods give me 'preggo-belly' and 'zombie-brain'.

Reasons Paleo sucks: 
It sounds like a cult, 
There are very few restaurants in Perth that cater to Paleo requirements,
Fake food ('paleofied') is just an inferior substitute with its own myriad issues; and 
Sometimes you just need a little bit of rice or oats or cheese and there ain't nothing wrong with that.

Over the coming weeks I am going to review a couple of diet protocols and share my experiences with each. I'd love to hear yours too!

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