Monday, 4 February 2013

The 'C' word

So I watched this video

And I thought to myself ‘OMG that is soooo amazing, I could NEVER do that.... but I wish I could.... but WHO AM I KIDDING?!?!... and that looks so COOOOOOL and oooh that would be really hard but IMAGINE HAVING THOSE ABS and WHAT THE HELL IS THAT CHICK DOING!?!?!'....

And I started to obsess. And I started to ponder. And I started to research.

I learnt that I could train smarter in less time.  I learnt that throwing a heavy bar around would make me fitter and stronger, but also leaner. Besides that, it looked really badass.  I learnt that CrossFit had this thing called 'scaling' which meant that even my granny could give it a go. I learnt that one day I might possibly be able to get my body to do something cool like this:
Camille LeBlanc-Bazinet being awesome - courtesy of
At this point in time I'd been so disappointed by the trainers at my gym that I decided I could do a much better job myself. I also thought that maybe I could be of use to other women who had been where I was - overweight, dead tired, depressed and overwhelmed.  Besides, I was really sick of my office job anyway.

So I decided to enrol in night school and do my Certificate IV in Fitness.

The very same week I contacted a CrossFit gym in Melbourne and, with my heart pounding a million miles an hour, I climbed up that endless flight of stairs for my first session.

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