Thursday, 14 February 2013

Out of the box and back into boxing

So yesterday was my birthday... (pause for requisite cheer, respond with polite nod etc etc).

It's been sweaty-balls 40-degrees hot over here in Perth for the last few days.  And I have no airconditioning in my living room. So I decided to bake! Genius, I know.  But it was worth it! For one of my bake-offs I decided to go all 70s retro and make devils on horseback. Yummo. Just slice up some bacon (streaky bacon, cut each piece in half) and wrap it around some pitted prunes, stick a toothpick in, bake on 180C 20-30 mins until bacon is crispy and voila! Remember that prunes used be plums so you shouldn't eat more than about three of them at once....

And I took my first ever boxing class at 6am on my birthday.  It was pretty fun and less overwhelming than I expected.  I'll be taking more from this weekend and getting some official qualifications on Friday so I guess you can say I'm a boxing instructor now?!

I'm glad I'm boxing again (a pastime I've enjoyed for over a decade) because a couple of weeks ago I had to give up my CrossFit gym membership and 'leave the box' for now.  Yep, I blog about CrossFit and I live for the stuff but the real world has collided with the ideal and I've come out a bit battered and bruised.  I have a lot to say about 'forging elit(ist) fitness' but this is not the forum.  However, I will say that I feel CrossFit should be more accessible (but then I'll be arguing against a very logical point about the cost of having a bunch of coaches looking out for your physical interests versus being left to your own devices and getting injured etc and I'm way too tired for that talk).

At first I was really gutted, but now I am determined to work around this challenge.  I bought a 16kg kettlebell and joined a gym the 1970s forgot to take with them when they ended... But it has a lot of barbells, dumbells, space for skipping and rowers. It also costs $10 per week and has a free creche Monday to Saturday mornings. And spin bikes on which to hurt my bum and gyney for hours... aaahhhh... the spin bike.....

Anyway - I'm very nervous about 'being out on my own' and not having someone tell me what to do with my workouts every day.  It will be challenging to stay motivated and keep myself on track, as it has been for my diet since I moved here.  I have still been cooking a lot of Paleo meals, but when my financial situation started getting very bleak very quickly I started to comfort-eat a LOT of dairy and sugar....

My philosophy is one of acceptance.  If I have made some poor choices I need to acknowledge it and move on... I don't believe there is anything to be gained from wallowing in guilt, panic and anxiety.  So I'm just going to take it one meal at a time and get back in the saddle, even though I'm certain that everything really does taste better with icecream.....

Which brings me to the point of 'special occasions'.  For Valentine's Day, aka 'the day after my birthday', my son brought home a couple of the least-Paleo biscuits on Earth. But he made them - and bless, there was a little note attached.  I'd be a psycho if I didn't give him the satisfaction of trying to eat his half-melted, slightly burnt little pink pieces of floury hell.... Do the world a favour and don't be a food psycho... have a little something 'unhealthy' on special occasions (unless it literally gives you the shits... then PLEASE do not eat it FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!).

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