Been quite a long time since I posted.
Not much happened between then and now.
Just got my certification as a personal trainer (night school).
And moved from Melbourne to Perth with a two and four-year old...
I'm hoping to post once or twice a week from now on, provided my kids don't send me completely batty and I end up in an institution.....
We have moved to a great sea-side location. The wind here drives us all a bit nutty and the sun can be strong, but for the most part the change has motivated me to keep moving, to get outdoors with my kids and to soak in all that life can offer.
(Image courtesy of Scarborough Beach Surf School)
Being busy and a bit strapped for cash means that I am not really attached to a CrossFit obsession, I mean, gym. I really miss my old box in Melbourne - makes me sad to see everyone still getting flogged there. So I'm taking this time to hone some basic body-weight skills, kettlebell swings, get my fitness up through running (when my knee allows it), stretching and treating a chronic hip problem with the help of a brilliant osteopath.
My Paleo diet went a bit wonky in the move and through the Christmas festivities. But when I weighed myself at the start of this week I was down 2 kilos for the month. Which has convinced me that nothing helps weight loss like a bit of stress relief and relaxation. However, I'm so glad to have my kitchen back and I have started cooking again - more information in following posts.
Down time has helped me start to lift heavier again and has given me the opportunity to reflect on my goals and dreams. And it has apparently reduced the size of my bum too (according to an eyewitness who reflected on this fact while I was bending over to run a bath for our kids).
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